Coffee – Habit or Necessity

Coffee, Cuppa, Java, Joe, Liquid Gold, Sip of Heaven, Life Saver, Jet Fuel, Mocha, Wakey Juice, Warmer Upper, Battery Acid, Morning Thunder


Coffee, Cuppa, Java, Joe, Liquid Gold, Sip of Heaven, Life Saver, Jet Fuel, Mocha, Wakey Juice, Warmer Upper, Battery Acid, Morning Thunder – No matter what you call it, everyone knows what you are referring to. That steaming hot cup of roasted beans mixed with boiling water and a little bit of milk – or some variation of that.

A lot of us partake of it in some form at least once a day, sometimes more. We drink it to wake up, we drink it to warm up, sometimes to relax. That poses a question, do we drink it daily out of habit? or do we drink it out of necessity.

While I am aware that not everyone drinks coffee (crazy I know), whether you drink it or not you know about it and how big a part it plays in some peoples lives.

How I begin my Day

Being a Parent life changes every day. No Day is ever the exact same as one before it. Does this bode well for our sanity? maybe, maybe not. In an effort to maintain some routine I feel it necessary to have some constants in life. However small they are, just a few predictable things we can rely on to happen every day. One of those would be my morning Coffee.

Everyday as part of our breakfast routine, the kettle is boiled and I make myself a cup of coffee. While the kettle is boiling Ill make the little guy his breakfast along with mine. As soon as his is ready he will go sit at the table and start eating, knowing that Ill be over in a minute with my breakfast (has to be the same thing he is eating or all hell will break loose), along with my Coffee.  Anyone who has raised a toddler knows that getting them to eat can be tricky, but breakfast is always, without fail, eaten in its entirety. Maybe its the routine?

cheerful close up coffee cup
Photo by Pixabay on

Necessary as a Parent?

You tell me!

Personally I was drinking coffee to start my day long before I became a Dad. I drank it because I enjoyed the taste, I drank it for a quick energy boost, I drank it to relax, and I drank it because I didn’t give myself enough sleep last night.

Now as a parent, I drink Coffee because I enjoy the taste, I drink it for a quick energy boost, I drink it to relax, and I drink it because I didn’t get enough sleep last night. Yes my almost 2 year old still isn’t sleeping properly Toddler Sleep Regressions

I wouldn’t say its necessary as a parent to drink coffee, Mrs Down Under can’t stand the stuff. Does having some routine that I can count on help maintain my sanity as a parent? Absolutely

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

How do you take yours?

Black / White ? Long  / Short ? Sugar  / No Sugar ? Mocha / Caramel ? Chai / Pumpkin Spice?

If its first thing in the morning? Plain old instant coffee with milk, no sugar for me. Other times of day at home see me use a modern ‘capsule’ coffee machine for more of a sophisticated style (its the little things in life). Working in a large workplace means back to the cheap and easy stuff again. One thing about coffee is that it always tastes better when someone else makes it, for that I do occasionally enjoy a ‘fancy’ coffee made by someone else who actually takes pride in their coffee, given I treat it as a special occasion, it just adds to the taste.

So many varieties exist these days its impossible to have tried them all (unless you are really obsessed). So what’s your secret? Whats your regular order that you get without fail that really hits the spot.

close up of woman holding coffee cup at cafe
Photo by Chevanon Photography on

Location Location

As mentioned earlier, one thing that makes a coffee great is having someone else make it for you. I have tried many places, few I would return to. One that delivers consistently without fail is Benchmark –

With a great owner who knows everyone and their coffee by name and is always open for a chat. Benchmark is one I will always return to.

Got a favorite place? What makes it so special? the people who work there? the setting? the coffee? I’d love to hear it, share it down below.

white ceramic cup
Photo by Saif Selim on

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21 thoughts on “Coffee – Habit or Necessity”

  1. One a day if my partner makes it…(he works in the industry) otherwise I’ll drink water. Used to have it with sugar, then sweetener when I GD… then after I had my son, one day we ran out of sugar and I have drank it without ever since. But cant drink too much… it makes me sleepy 😂 great post!


  2. This nectar of the gods you write of, I have been imbibing since I was 5. I drink it black, and wake up early so that i can also drink it hot, without interruptions. Selfish? Maybe. Worth it? Definitely! xo #dreamteam


  3. I can’t start my day off without a good cup of coffee. I’m a coffeeholic and a bit of a coffee snob too. Needs to be strong and of good quality. My instagram’s main niche is about coffee too #dreamteam


  4. Oh Lord. You are a man after my own heart !!! I think I drink between 7 and 10 cups a day! It’s just my thing, I would hate to see what would happen to me if I gave coffee up for good. #globalblogging


  5. I love the smell of coffee and I love coffee-flavoured chocolates… but I’m afraid I don’t actually drink coffee. It’s one of the reasons hubby and I decided we were destined to be together – neither of us drink tea OR coffee! Hehe.

    Anyway someone really enjoyed this post because they added it to the BlogCrush linky for some extra exposure! Congratulations! Feel free to collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge 🙂 #blogcrush


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